Murang'a Teachers Training CollegeElimu ni mwangaza

Bid for ICT Equipment

Murang’a Teachers College is requesting prospective bidders to make an application for the supply of the following ICT Equipments

  1. HP Desktop Computers Core i5- 4GBRAM,1 TB HDD,19’’TFT, Universal Card Reader, HDMI + Windows 10
  2. LCD Projector 3200 Lumens

 The application should be in form of a pro-forma invoice. The bidders are required to attach all the relevant mandatory documents which include the following;

  1. A Copy Of Registration Certificate
  2. Copy Of PIN / VAT Certificates
  3. Tax Compliance Certificate
  4. Current Trade License
  5. Registration certificate by National Treasury /County Government (AGPO) incase the company is reserved.
  6. Past history for similar work done and with their references
  7. Any other related document pertaining to this work.

N.B WOMEN, YOUTH AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITY ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.                                                                                         Reserved means: only women, youth and persons with disability

Sealed applications should reach the College on or before 28th January 2019 at 10:00 am.  The quotation documents to be addressed to:



P.O.BOX 232-01020 KENOL

And be dropped in the tender box outside the administration block.

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