Bid for ICT Equipment
Murang’a Teachers College is requesting prospective bidders to make an application for the supply of the following ICT Equipments
- HP Desktop Computers Core i5- 4GBRAM,1 TB HDD,19’’TFT, Universal Card Reader, HDMI + Windows 10
- LCD Projector 3200 Lumens
The application should be in form of a pro-forma invoice. The bidders are required to attach all the relevant mandatory documents which include the following;
- A Copy Of Registration Certificate
- Copy Of PIN / VAT Certificates
- Tax Compliance Certificate
- Current Trade License
- Registration certificate by National Treasury /County Government (AGPO) incase the company is reserved.
- Past history for similar work done and with their references
- Any other related document pertaining to this work.
N.B WOMEN, YOUTH AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITY ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Reserved means: only women, youth and persons with disability
Sealed applications should reach the College on or before 28th January 2019 at 10:00 am. The quotation documents to be addressed to:
P.O.BOX 232-01020 KENOL
And be dropped in the tender box outside the administration block.